One of the challenges of 2024 in Ukraine is the reintegration of veterans into civilian life.

One of the challenges of 2024 in Ukraine is the reintegration of veterans into civilian life. In order to develop an effective reintegration program for veterans, employees of the BERTA group’s HR department took an online training course from the NGO Free People’s Employment Center in early February 2024.
Upon completion of the training, our employees had a chance to participate in the Career Day for Veterans, where they got acquainted with the veteran community and the city’s initiatives to employ veterans. The event featured various initiatives and programs implemented by Lviv City Council to support female and male veterans and their families. The participants also had the opportunity to learn about the experience of the member companies of the Lviv HRD Association, namely:
– Trans-Service1
– Galichpharm
– Concern Khlibprom
– “Kormotech”
– “Mist Group”
We are proud to have had the opportunity to participate in this important event and expand our knowledge of effective reintegration of veterans into civilian life. We hope that our new knowledge and partnerships will help make the process of adaptation of veterans in our company even more effective and comfortable for them.